Table of Contents
1 Intr oducti on 3
2 High v olumes and abandon ra te 4
3 Cost of abandoned calls 6
4 The agen t sa ti sf acti on/a bandon rate correl at io n 7
5 Solu ti ons 9
6 Call av oidance 9
7 Expect ed spik es 10
8 Unexpect ed ev ents 11
9 Risk miti gati on 12
10 Case st udie s 13
11 C onclusion 20
Figure 1 Aba ndoned calls cu rv e 4
Figure 2 A gen t/ hold ti me rati o 5
Figure 3 Aba ndoned calls rela te d to call v olume 6
Figure 4 Cost of hi gh call v olumes 7
Figure 5 Aba ndoned calls recalled 7
Figure 6 Real call v olume 8
Figure 7 Retailer contac t ce nt er ar chit ectu re 14
Figure 8 Medical in fo rmat ion cent er to pology 17
Figure 9 Public ut ili ty to polog y 19